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Migen Serafina

Woman of Voices
​The Voices of Women

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I was born unnaturally curious and deeply empathic…this is probably why I loved nothing more than listening to and telling stories from an early age.

What follows is a life like a game of telephone, where one unusual opportunity whispered into the next. A linguist, a teacher, a graphic designer, a paper cut artist, a competitive windsurfer in Korea, an apprentice sake brewer in Japan, a model, a novelty on Japanese travel shows, winner of a Yukata Queen contest, a translator and voice artist, and (pre-pandemic) an event emcee/interpreter/tour guide for the Kansai region specializing in the stories of the Geisha of Kyoto.


It’s been my great honor to work with some of the best production studios in Japan, and to translate for personal heroes such as Tetsuro Shimaguchi (choreographer for Kill Bill). I’ve done commercial work for the big guys such as Panasonic, Toyota, and Subaru; dubbed for Platinum Games; and narrated NHK period dramas as an empress. Going forward, I especially hope for the chance to listen to the unique stories of other women, and help give them the “voice” they deserve across the boundaries of language and culture.


Thanks for submitting!

Hit RECord with me translation, voice acting, singing, writing

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